(FNF), motor conduction velocity (MCV) and F ratio (Fr), peroneal nerve (MCV), posterior tibial nerve H reflex conduction velocity (HCV) EMG, median and posterior tibial nerve somatosensory evoked potential (SEPs) and electroencephalogram (EEG). Results FWCV, MCV, Fr and HCV P <0.01 or 0.001 compared with the corresponding control group. R = 0.36, P <0.01 between FWCV of median nerve and MCV of distal segment. Denervation potential was 14.68%. EEG abnormal 20%, the edge of the state 23.33%, normal 56.67%. The anomalies of SEPs of median nerve were more common in P_ (13), N_ (16), N_ (18) and P_ (22). The abnormal rates of N_7-P_ (13), P_ (13) -N_ (16) and N_ (16) -N_ (18) peaks in PRN were 43.33%, 23.33% and 20% 23.33%, 30.00% and 46.67%. The abnormal rates of P_ (40), N_ (50), P_ (60) and N_ (80) in SEN of PRN were 26.67%, 36.67%, 36.67% and 40.00% 10.00%, 6.67%, 16.67% and 6.67%. Tip PRN on the entire peripheral nerve have an impact, but mainly affect the proximal nerve (nerve root may be), some patients involved in the central nervous system involvement.