As2S3, As2Se3, GeS2, GeSe2, Ge20 As25S55, Ge20 As25 Se55 and Ge10 Ge40 were prepared by thermal evaporation method. ) S_ (20) Se_ (30) seven systems of sulfur-based amorphous semiconductor films based on the use of X-ray powder diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and absorption or transmission spectroscopy and other testing methods, Photoinduced effect and mechanism of photo-darkening, photobleaching and photo-crystallization under the action of ion laser irradiation. The photodarkening effect was observed in As_2S_3, As_2Se_3 and Ge_ (10) As_ (40) S_ (20) Se_ (30) thin films and in the GeS_2, GeSe_2, Ge_ (20) As_ (25) S_ ) And Ge_ (20) As_ (25) Se_ (55) films, a significant photodarkening effect was observed. After argon ion laser irradiation, obvious photo-crystallization phenomenon was observed in the film.