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但凡服饰店,几乎都有几个陈列模特,或在橱窗,或在门口,或在店中央。模特是品牌定位诠释和产品销售信息的载体,主要作用是吸引顾客进店、激发其购买欲望。通常,店家更看重的是它的后一个功能,想推哪一款新产品,便将其及时披挂于模特身上。而记者认为,陈列模特,虽然是假的,死的,无声的,但它更重要的是传递店铺的营销品味以及背后的品牌文化,而绝不仅仅是商品的促销。如何装扮陈列模特很有讲究。鲜艳、华丽、花哨,不等于时尚、漂亮、高贵。这里呈现的是一组现代感极强的陈列模特,在它们身上,不乏夹杂着简约风、复古风、梦幻风、运动风、高贵风…… Where clothing stores, almost all have a few display models, or in the shop window, or at the door, or in the shop center. Model is a brand positioning interpretation and product sales information carrier, the main role is to attract customers into the store, to stimulate their desire to buy. Usually, the store is more valued is the latter function, which one wants to push a new product, it will be timely on the model body. The reporter believes that the display model, although it is fake, dead, silent, but it is more important to pass the taste of the store’s marketing and brand culture behind, and not just the promotion of goods. How to dress display model is very particular about. Bright, gorgeous, fancy, does not mean fashion, beautiful, noble. Here is a group of very modern display of models, in them, there is no lack of mixed with simple style, retro style, dreamy style, sporty style, noble style ...