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《内蒙古自治区水土流失防治费征收使用管理办法》[以下简称《办法》],在自治区政府有关领导和政府办公厅、法制局的重视下,在多次征求自治区计委、财政厅、物价局、经委、冶金厅、煤炭厅、石化厅、土地管理局、建设厅、环保局、畜牧厅、林业厅、交通厅等有关部门,以及各盟市、旗县水利水保部门意见的基础上,参照其它省(区)的“收费办法”,经过近4年的修改、补充、完善;于1995年11月15日以内政发[1995]163号文件正式颁布,从发布之日起施行.收取防治费是预防和治理水土流失的一项重要经济手段.《办法》的出台,将有助于开发建设单位在开发建设过程中重视水土保持工作,保证开发建设与水土保持同步进行,增强了企、事业单位防治水土流失的自觉性,有利于动员全社会力量进行水土流失治理,扩大治理成果.《办法》包括十六条,对制定的依据、防治水土流失的原则、征收的范围、标准、防治费的管理及其使用做出了明确、详细的规定,主要内客有: “Measures for the Administration of the Collection and Use of Soil and Water Loss Prevention and Control Fee in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region” [hereinafter referred to as the “Measures”], under the attention of the relevant leaders of the autonomous region government and the general office of the government and the Bureau of Legal Affairs, has solicited opinions from the Planning Commission of Autonomous Region, the Finance Bureau, Based on the opinions of Economic Commission, Metallurgical Department, Coal Office, Petrochemical Department, Land Administration Bureau, Construction Department, Environmental Protection Bureau, Animal Husbandry Department, Forestry Department, Communications Department and other relevant departments as well as the opinions of water conservancy and water conservancy departments in each city and county, The fees and charges of other provinces (districts) have been amended, supplemented and improved in the past 4 years; the official document [1995] No.163 was formally promulgated on November 15, 1995 and put into effect as of the date of promulgation. Fee is to prevent and control soil and water loss is an important economic tool.The introduction of the Measures will help development and construction units in the process of development and construction emphasis on soil and water conservation work to ensure that development and construction and soil and water conservation in a synchronized manner, Institutional prevention and control of soil and water loss consciousness, is conducive to mobilizing all social forces for soil and water erosion control, expand the results of governance. “Measures” includes 16, on the basis of formulation, prevention Principles of soil erosion, the scope of the collection, standards, control costs and manage use to make a clear, detailed provisions, mainly in the customer are:
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