The general layout needs to be considered in combination with topography, soil geology, and hydrogeology, and a comprehensive layout of each workshop building should be made according to the requirements of the whole plant process route. Each workshop part and the power, sanitation, transportation, and warehouse facilities are designed in parallel, and the design considerations of each part are gradually deepened. The general layout is often required for new consideration to meet the requirements of the workshop process. Claim. In addition to considering the entire plant-wide production route and layout, it is also necessary to simultaneously study whether it is technically and economically justified in terms of vertical layout, engineering geology and groundwater. In order to study this issue, it is necessary to consult the original data, including topographic maps, engineering geology, and hydrogeology porcelain. The possibility of considering a new plan for a plane is often required to reach a conclusion quickly. However, these original data, such as the layout of the drilling site and the contour map of groundwater, are not on a single drawing.