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西方近现代主流因果概念仅指称一种数学化的机械因果关系,无法适用于人的生存本身。海德格尔从生存论出发,得出一种“缘-由”因果概念,然后又从人与存在的相互归属出发,揭示出一种“招致-引发”因果性。后两者在本质上是一致的,可以统称为“缘-由-引发”因果性。这种因果性所指称的乃是一种原本的生存关系,其意义在于对存在的开展或解蔽,并且与佛教的“缘起”因果概念具有很强的互释性。 The mainstream concept of modern careers in the West only refers to a mathematical mechanical causal relationship that can not be applied to human existence itself. From the existentialist theory, Heidegger draws a kind of concept of causation of “fate - cause”, and then starts from the mutual affiliation of man and existence, revealing a kind of “causation - initiation” causality. The latter two are essentially the same, which can be collectively referred to as “causality-causation” causality. This kind of causality refers to an original subsistence relationship whose meaning is to carry out or uncover the existence and to have strong interdependence with the “causal” concept of Buddhism.
《触摸历史:五四人物与现代中国》   陈平原 夏晓虹 主编   北京大学出版社2009.4  定价:40.00元    五四运动爆发时,胡适并不在北京——他正与蒋梦麟等人在上海忙于接待来华讲学的自己的导师杜威博士。直到5月6日,他才获知北京所发生的事件。  在当时一般人眼中,胡适和陈独秀不仅是文学改良运动的始作俑者,而且是新文化运动的领袖。所以,在五四前夕,卫道守旧的林纾作小说《荆生》和《妖梦》,