作为一个在政工岗位上工作了20个春秋的公路人,在长期的实践中,我深深体验到思想政治工作的威力,也感悟出做好思想政治工作的真谛。我认为,做好人的思想政治工作,必须当好“四员”: 一是“宣传”队员。“宣传”顾名思义就是说明讲解。运用宣传栏、黑板报、内部刊物等阵地,及时进行宣传工作,可以把科学的理论讲解成通俗易懂的道理,让党和国家的路线、方针、政策入脑入心,变为人们的自觉行动。二是“啦啦”队员。“啦啦”队员的主要任务就是为职工摇旗呐喊、助威鼓劲。通过贴近基层职工的自我教育形式,发挥激励作用。三
As a highway worker who has worked in political work for 20 years, I deeply experienced the power of ideological and political work and realized the essence of doing ideological and political work in the long run. In my opinion, to do a good job of people’s ideological and political work, we must be good. “Four members”: First, “propaganda” team members. “Promotion ” as the name suggests is to explain. The use of propaganda columns, blackboard newspapers, internal publications and other positions in time for publicity, you can put the scientific theory into easy-to-understand truth, so that the party and the country’s routes, principles and policies into the mind, into people’s consciousness action. Second, “la la” team members. “La la” The main task of team members is to shake the flag for workers, cheering. Through close self-education of grassroots workers in the form of incentives. three