在广西龙州县中山公园的“革命烈士纪念碑”上镌刻着一批革命烈士的英名。其中有一位湘籍儿郎 ,他 ,就是唐克烈士。唐克 ,1903年出生于湖南零陵县冷水滩湘水东岸曲河的阳甸村。1924年考入黄埔军校。同年加入中国共产党 ,参加过东征和北伐。旋即调回广西 ,随邓小平同志
In the Zhongshan Park in Longzhou County, Guangxi “Revolutionary Martyrs Monument” engraved with a group of revolutionary martyr’s name. One of them, Erlang, is a Martyr of Tangk. Tangke, born in 1903 in Yangdian Village, Qu River, east of Xiangtan, Lengshuitan, Lingling County, Hunan Province. In 1924 admitted to Whampoa Military Academy. In the same year joined the Chinese Communist Party, participated in the Eastern Expedition and the Northern Expedition. Immediately transferred back to Guangxi, with Comrade Deng Xiaoping