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党的十八大从新的历史起点出发,做出“大力推进生态文明建设”的战略决策,全面阐述了生态文明建设的重要意义。建设生态文明,是关系人民福祉、关乎民族未来的长远大计。必须树立尊重自然、顺应自然、保护自然的生态文明理念,把生态文明建设放在突出地位,融入经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设各方面和全过程,努力建设美丽中国,实现中华民族永续发展。建设美丽中国,离不开电力的支撑。而发展水电等可再生清洁能源则是建设美丽中国最直接的动力之一,也是国家能源战略布局的重要组成部分和能源产业链的重要环节,在推进低碳发展、调整能源结构、促进节能减排方面作用巨大。低碳经济发展模式因其低能耗、低排放、低污染的特征,正成为各国转变经济发展方式,实现可持续发展的一种共识。在2009年哥本哈根世界气候大会前,我国作出了两个与能源发展密切相 Starting from the new historical starting point, the 18th CPC National Congress made the strategic decision of “vigorously promoting the building of ecological civilization” and comprehensively expounded the significance of ecological civilization construction. Building an ecological civilization is a long-term plan that concerns the well-being of the people and the future of our nation. We must establish the concept of ecological civilization respecting the nature, complying with nature and protecting nature, give prominence to the building of ecological civilization and integrate it into all aspects and processes of economic construction, political construction, cultural construction and social construction and strive to build a beautiful China and realize the goal of realizing the goal of building a harmonious, Sustainable development. Build beautiful China, can not do without the support of electricity. Developing clean and renewable energy such as hydropower is one of the most direct motives for building beautiful China. It is also an important part of the national energy strategic layout and an important link in the energy industry chain. Promoting low-carbon development, adjusting energy structure and promoting energy conservation Pai side effect is huge. Because of its low energy consumption, low emission and low pollution, low-carbon economic development mode is becoming a consensus that all countries should change their mode of economic development and achieve sustainable development. Before the 2009 World Climate Conference in Copenhagen, my country made two closely aligned with energy development