党的十五届六中全会强调:要坚持用好的作风选人,选作风好的人。这就要求,选人用人的人和被选用的人都要有好的作风。组织部门是党委的重要工作部门,担负着选人用人的重要职责,加强组织部门的作风建设,培养组工干部良好的作风十分重要。 那么,组织部门的干部应该有什么样
The Sixth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee emphasizes: We must adhere to the principle of choosing a good style and choosing a good style of work. This requires that people who choose to work and those who are chosen should have a good style of work. Organizational departments are the important work departments of the party committees and assume the important responsibility of selecting and employing people. It is very important to strengthen the work style building in the organizational departments and to cultivate a good style of cadres working in the field. Well, what should cadres in the organizational sector have?