现代传播技术日益先进,传播手段日益多样,传播工具日益新颖,信息的传输日趋简捷,人类沟通日益迅速,不同地区不同国家的联系逐渐紧密。 然而,80年代以来,特别是进入90年代以后,大众传媒面对日益细分的受众市场,不得不进行重新定位,产生出各种各样的媒体以适应不同受众的不同品味与需求,从而又进一步分化了
Modern communication technologies are increasingly advanced, means of communication are becoming increasingly diverse, communication tools are becoming more and more innovative, transmission of information is becoming increasingly simple, human communication is growing rapidly, and relations among different countries in different regions are getting closer. However, since the 1980s, especially after the 1990s, the mass media have to reposition themselves in the increasingly fragmented audience market to produce various kinds of media to meet the different tastes and needs of different audiences. In turn, Further differentiation