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固定条形镜面聚光器是近几年内发展起来的一科新型太阳能利用装置。它与一般镜面跟踪的聚光器相比较,具有不少的优点。它的镜面是固定不动的,可用普通建筑材料,如水泥、砂子、砖、角钢等材料来制造支承镜面的骨架,因此完全可以因地制宜地来选择材料,当入射光线变动时,它只需要变动吸热器的位置就可以接收反射的光线,特别是东西向放置时,吸热器跟踪机构就更为简单,它使用管理方便,成本低廉。因此自从问世以来,便引起了世界各国广泛地重视。本文从理论上分析了它的基本光学原理,探讨了设计方法,得到了n—θ图,并洋细介绍了该图的使用方法,可以大大减少设计中的计算工作。对进一步研究固定条形镜面聚光器可能亦有帮助。 Fixed bar mirror condenser is a new type of solar energy utilization device developed in recent years. Compared with the general mirror tracking condenser, it has many advantages. Its mirrored surface is stationary, making it possible to choose the material from which it is made, using ordinary building materials such as cement, sand, bricks, angles and other materials to support the mirror. When the incident light changes, it only needs to be changed The position of the heat sink to receive the reflected light, especially when placed east-west, heat sink tracking mechanism is even more simple, it is easy to use management, low cost. Therefore, it has attracted the widespread attention of all countries in the world since its publication. This paper analyzes its basic optics theoretically, discusses the design method, obtains the n-θ graph, and introduces the use method of the graph, which can greatly reduce the computational work in the design. It may also help to further study the fixed strip mirror concentrator.
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“清”与“青”作为两个单字出现时一般是不容易混淆的,但在构成某些词语时却常见将“清”错写为“青”。如: 1.它为我们描绘了一个山青水秀、花红竹翠、空气新鲜,风景美丽