天,淅淅沥沥下着雨。我在书房里盘 点着我的“宝贝”。 在记忆里,第一本爱不释手的书,要 算是《格林童话》了。一般地,小孩会更喜 欢《安徒生童话》,但爸爸先给我买了《格 林童话》,所以我对《安徒生童话》并不 感兴趣。格林兄弟的童话故事美好、单 纯,结局圆满,安徒生的童话则是高雅 而伤感的,像《海的女儿》之类。我喜欢 格林兄弟的作品,因为他们轻快、有趣: 温柔、美丽的白雪公主,狠毒、臭美的继 母,天真、可爱的小红帽,机灵、聪敏的 大拇指……总之,格林兄弟用笔描绘出 的丰富多彩的世界,在我幼小的心灵扎 下了根。
Days, it rains. I checked my “baby” in the study. In memory, the first book to put it down is “Grimmer’s Fairy Tale.” Generally speaking, children will love Hans Christian Andersen’s Fairy Tales, but Dad first bought me the “Gerlin Fairy Tales” so I was not interested in Andersen’s Fairy Tales. The fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm was beautiful and pure, and the ending was complete. Andersen’s fairy tales were elegant and sad, like “The Daughter of the Sea”. I like the works of the Brothers Grimm because they are light and funny: the gentle, beautiful Snow White, the poisonous, stinky stepmother, the innocent, cute Little Red Riding Hood, clever, smart thumb... In short, the richness depicted by the Brothers Grimm The colorful world has taken root in my young heart.