The developed countries, which account for less than a quarter of the world’s population, consume three-quarters of the world’s mineral resources while the vast majority of developing countries, which account for as much as three-quarters of the world’s population, make up less than one percentage of the world’s mineral consumption / 4. This is the current overall configuration of the world’s mineral resources. Developed countries that consume a large amount of mineral resources can be roughly divided into three types. The first one, represented by the United States and Russia, is both a big producer of mineral resources and a big consumer of mineral resources. The second is represented by Japan and Germany. The local mineral resources are extremely poor and the demand for minerals is particularly large. The third, represented by Australia and Canada, is a major mineral producer with a production volume exceeding that of domestic demand and can be exported in large quantities. As a strategic partner of the United States, Japan and Western Europe, the resource and processing industry is to be developed. The number of mining companies in the United States, Canada and Australia accounts for almost two-thirds of the world’s total.