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素质教育是以提高全体学生的基本素质为根本目的的教育。历史在全面提高学生的素质方面具有许多其他学科所无法代替的重要作用。在历史教学中渗透德育,主要是培养学生爱学校、爱家乡、爱祖国的思想感情以及培养学生的民族自豪感、历史责任感。德国哲学家亚斯贝尔思指出:“教育要培养一代人的精神,必须先使历史进驻个人,使个人从历史中汲取养分。”“读史可明智”。丰富的历史知识可以教人以古知今,以故鉴今,能够提高人们对周围事物以至整个社会的洞察力、思考力和判断力。不管在什么岗 Quality education is to improve the basic qualities of all students as the fundamental purpose of education. History has an important role that many other disciplines can not replace in comprehensively improving the quality of students. Permeating moral education in history teaching is mainly to cultivate students ’thoughts and feelings of love for school, love of hometown and love of the motherland and to cultivate students’ sense of national pride and responsibility for history. Jaspers, the German philosopher, pointed out: “To cultivate the spirit of a generation, education must first allow history to enter individuals and make individuals learn from history.” Rich historical knowledge can teach people to ancient knowledge today, so learn from it, can improve people’s insight into the surrounding things and society as a whole, thinking and judgment. No matter what post
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Watson J.L.等人在《Minerals Engineering》1999年第 12卷第 10期上撰文介绍磁力应用于实验室和工厂盘式真空过滤机的情况。磁力在强化实验室转鼓真空过滤机内磁性矿浆固液
触摸到人性之私的痒处,就等于取到了有效管理的金钥匙。坐落在效外风景宜人的天然水库,每年夏天自然会吸引大批游泳爱好者趋 Touch the itch of human nature, it means tha
成都动物园始建于1953年,于1976年迁到现址,经过60多年的建设与发展,它已成为国内第四大城市动物园,常年展出国家保护的珍稀濒危野生动物共200多种、3 000多只(头)。 Founde