Respect for labor is the most basic core assertion in Marx’s ideological system and is also the fundamental essential feature of socialism from other forms of non-socialism. Under socialism, labor is both a source of all equality and freedom and a source of human values and dignity. Everyone in the workforce endeavors to show himself, develop himself, and build relationships with others. This is not only the equality in work but also the root of existence of reasonable differences. Under socialism, labor is to develop creative and proactive labor, that is, free labor. This kind of work is not just for survival, but more importantly for survival. More labor should realize the value of humanity and show the essential force of human pursuit of true freedom. Compared with other core socialist propositions, respect for labor has a fundamental position. The socialist core proposition rooted in labor contains advanced values conforming to the concept of human progress such as freedom, equality and fraternity, and is higher than these previous forms of cultural values. It is a higher form of value system.