Intraday Volume Percentages Forecasting Using a Dynamic SVM-Based Approach

来源 :Journal of Systems Science & Complexity | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anny250
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This paper proposes a dynamic model to forecast intraday volume percentages by decomposing the trade volume into two parts: The average part as the intraday volume pattern and the residual term as the abnormal changes. An empirical test on data spanning half-a-year gold futures and S&P 500 futures reveals that a rolling average of the previous days’ volume percentages shows great predictive ability for the average part. An SVM approach with the input pattern consisting of two categories is employed to forecast the residual term. One is the previous days’ volume percentages in the same time interval and the other is the most recent volume percentages. The study shows that this dynamic SVM-based forecasting approach outperforms the other commonly used statistical methods and enhances the tracking performance of a VWAP strategy greatly. This paper proposes a dynamic model to forecast intraday volume percentages by decomposing the trade volume into two parts: The average part as the intraday volume pattern and the residual term as the abnormal changes. An empirical test on data spanning half-a-year gold futures and S & P 500 futures reveals that a rolling average of the previous days ’volume percentages shows great predictive ability for the average part. An SVM approach with the input pattern consisting of two categories is employed to forecast the residual term. One is the previous days’ volume percentages in the same time interval and the other is the most recent volume percentages. The study shows that this dynamic SVM-based forecasting approach outperforms the other commonly used statistical methods and enhances the tracking performance of a VWAP strategy greatly.
图式理论最早出现在古希腊哲学和心理学中。教育心理学家皮亚杰(1980)阐明了图式的发生过程,丰富了其内涵,拓宽了其应用的范围,从而建立了系统的理论框架。心理学家巴特利特将“图示”一词引入教育领域,他认为图式是对“过去经验的反应或积极组织,是学习者记忆中的信息对新信息产生作用并使之成为学习者知识库的一部分的过程。”  图式理论的主要观点是:人们在理解、输入新信息的时候,需要将新信息与已有的背景知识联
所谓课堂教学评语,就是在课堂教学过程中教师对学生学习过程的一种评价方式,不仅具有激励功能,而且有利于提高课堂效率。  客观、正确的教学评语,是学生及时获得对知识信息反馈的重要手段,赞扬的评定,是学生产生心理上的满足、强化其学习的积极性、促成其主动学习的一种有效手段。  在学“一元二次方程的根与系数关系”这堂课的教学过程中,我提出了这样一个问题:实数a,b满足a2-3a=l,a2-3b=1且a不等于
中学数学教学担负着传授知识和培养能力的双重任务,二者相辅相成。从当前减轻中学生过重负担看,培养学生能力特别是创造性的思维能力,尤为重要。现就如何在数学教学中培养学生能力谈几点看法。    一、开展活动,培养学生探究能力    从一定意义上说,“数学不是教出来的,而是做出来的”。课堂上大部分学生都有很强的学习积极性,教学中应抓住学生“好说”“好动”的性格特征和好奇好胜的心理特征,引导和启发他们动手、