肝炎是危害人民健康的常见病毒性传染病。近年来乙型肝炎的患病率有上升趋势,其原因之一,可能与社会第三产业、饮食服务行业的增加,社会人群流量大有关。为了把好饮食行业卫生的合格关,我们对某区域范围内服务人员每年进行一次身体健康检查,现将被检1605人的血清HBsAg的检测结果报告如下: 1.检测对象和方法: 1.1 对象:某区域范围内从事饮食服务的人员共
Hepatitis is a common viral infection that endangers people’s health. In recent years, the prevalence of hepatitis B has an upward trend. One of the reasons for this may be related to the increase of tertiary industry and catering services in the society and the large flow of social population. In order to ensure the health of the catering industry pass, we conduct an annual body health checkup for service personnel in a certain region. Now, the test results of serum HBsAg in 1605 people are reported as follows: 1. Subjects and Methods of Test: 1.1 Subjects: A certain range of food service staff