低性激素结合球蛋白预示 儿童期高胰岛素血症 英国研究者报道,低血清性激素结合球蛋白(SHBG)水平比体重指数(BMI)更适合作为青春期前肥胖儿童高胰岛素血症/胰岛素抵抗的预测因子。 研究者对25名平均年龄为7.9岁、BMI标准差>2的儿童进行了研究,测量其口服糖耐量试验中的血浆胰岛素水平。另外,研究者还对这些儿童及57名健康、非肥胖青春期前儿童的SHBG浓度进行了测量。
Low-sex hormone binding globulin predicts hyperinsulinemia in childhood British researchers report that low serum levels of sex-binding globulin (SHBG) are more suitable than predictors of hyperinsulinemia / insulin resistance in obese adolescents compared with body mass index (BMI) . The researchers studied 25 children, mean age 7.9 years, with a standard deviation of 2 in BMI, and measured plasma insulin levels in their oral glucose tolerance test. In addition, the researchers also measured SHBG concentrations in these children and in 57 healthy, non-obese preteen children.