Colostrum is rich in growth factors that promote the DNA synthesis of NIH-3T3 cells cultured in vitro. The medium containing 0.5% (V / V) colostrum and the 5% fetal bovine serum Promote growth. Colostrum per milligram of protein promotes cell DNA synthesis 30 times higher than bovine serum. Human colostrum is rich in active substances, which contain two types of growth factors - CAGF and CBGF. Both of these factors are stable to urea and hydrochloric acid, where CAGF is not inactivated by mercaptoethanol and CBGF can be inactivated by mercaptoethanol. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that, CAGF molecular weight of about 6kDa, is a monomer molecule, CBGF molecular weight of 30kDa, is a dimer disulfide bond covalently bound. Preliminary inference CAGF EGF-like factor; CBGF platelet-derived growth factor-like (PDGF-like) factor.