提起耐克,爱好体育运动的人不可能不熟悉,它是世界著名运动品牌之一,频频出现在世界各地以及运动场上。它的名称成为“胜利”的代名词,它的“红色一勾”品牌标识象征着一股强劲的旋风,它的广告词“跟着感觉走”也一度成为人们的日常用语。它成功塑造的品牌是品质、革新、广告的结晶。1962年,俄勒冈大学体育爱好者菲尔·耐特(Phil Knight)成立蓝带体育用品公司,销售日本虎牌运动鞋。当时世界运动鞋市场主要被两家德同公司,——阿迪达
Mentioning Nike and sports-loving people cannot be unfamiliar. It is one of the world’s most famous sports brands, and it is frequently seen around the world as well as in sports fields. Its name became synonymous with “Victory,” and its “red-hook” brand logo symbolized a strong whirlwind. Its advertising phrase “to follow the feelings” had once become people’s everyday language. The brand it successfully created is the crystallization of quality, innovation and advertising. In 1962, Phil Knight, a sports enthusiast at the University of Oregon, established Blue Ribbon Sports Products Inc. to sell Japanese Tiger sports shoes. At that time, the world’s sports footwear market was dominated by two German companies, Adidas.