陕西省转业建设委员会 人民政府民政厅联合通知慎重处理转业军人婚姻问题

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为结合贯彻婚姻法运动月使转业军人的婚姻问题得到适当处理,省转业建设委员会与省政府民政厅二月二十四日给各有关单位发出联合通知。通知首先指出:对于回乡转业军人的婚姻问题,不少领导单位与法院是不够重视的,因而人命案件与因婚姻问题而影响生产情绪的现象相当严重。据最近在华县一区和朝邑六区调查:共计一五九名转业军人,有婚姻纠纷问题者竟达十七件,占全部转业军人的百分之十强。再据五二年不完全统计,一年内即先后发生转业军人自杀、被杀、杀人等不幸事件十起,而婚姻问题即占八起。岐山县转业军人崔胜荣回乡后,见其妻久住娘家不归,深感悲观而自杀了。朝邑县转业军人郑蓝财,竟被其妻与奸夫暗杀。以上不幸事件,如果当地政府能及时瞭解,作适当处理或帮助解决,是完全可以避免的。同时,据瞭解:不少法院在处理转业军人婚姻纠纷问题时,不妥之处也较普遍。如华县一区三乡有两个转业军人的未婚妻与丈夫要求解除婚约和离婚,法院在处理此问题时,只简单地问了问,便判决其「解除婚约」与「离婚」。因而有的转业军人说:「回乡转业了,婚姻就得不到 In order to carry out the Marriage Law Movement month so that the marriages of converted soldiers are properly handled, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Provincial Civil Affairs Department issued a joint circular to all relevant units on February 24. The circular first pointed out: Many leaders and courts do not pay enough attention to the marital problems of returned military workers. Therefore, human life cases and the production sentiment caused by marital problems are quite serious. According to a survey conducted recently in the six districts of Huaxian District and Chaoyi District, a total of 159 soldiers have been reenrolled. As many as 17 cases of marital disputes have occurred, accounting for 10% of all demobilized military personnel. According to incomplete statistics in May and February, ten unfortunate incidents of committing suicide, killing and killing occurred in one year, and the problem of marriage accounted for eight. Qisheng County diversified military returned home, see his wife living in a long time no return home, deeply pessimistic and committed suicide. Zhengyi unemployed Zhengyi blue, was actually assassinated his wife and adulteress. The above unfortunate events can be completely avoided if the local government can understand it in time, handle it appropriately or help solve it. At the same time, it is understood that many courts are not uncomfortable with regard to the issue of marital disputes arising from the transfer of servicemen. When fiancés and husbands of two demobilized soldiers in three rural districts of Huaxian County, one district, sought the dissolution of their marriage and divorce, the court ruled that they “just dissolve their marriage” and “divorce” simply by asking questions when handling the issue. As a result, some demobilized soldiers said: "Returning to their hometowns will not be able to get married
三名同在浙江省乐清市出生、同在千里之外的北京创业、同样历经艰辛而都成为亿万富翁的温州老乡,因生意场一次合作矛盾,所涉资产不过他们所拥有的资产的2%,却反目成仇,拔刀相向,制造了一起惊世的血案,令人震惊,令人感慨。   2004年5月19日,这起震动全国的乐清籍富商周祖豹被杀一案,在温州市中级人民法院开庭审理。     亿万富翁大血案     周祖豹,现年50岁,北京祖豹毛皮辅料综合市
生活中充满着发现。如果我们偶然发现了一种现象,并且注意再去发现这种现象,那 Life is full of discoveries. If we happen to find a phenomenon and notice that we fin