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埃尔桑报团是当代法国最大的报业垄断集团。该报团的前身出现于1945年,是经营广告业务的公司,1949年转向报业。1950年,罗伯尔·埃尔桑创办《汽车报》,并以此掌握了公司的所有权和经营权。1954年,他出版了该报团第一份日报《瓦兹省晨报》,1958年1月,通过买进中部四家日报而创办了《中部新闻报》,从此开始了他对法国报业的蚕食鲸吞。60年代的十年中,埃尔桑报团先后吞并、控制了近20家报纸,进入70年代,其胃口越来越大,开始围剿全国性大报,先后夺取了《巴黎一诺曼底报》(1972年),《费加罗报》(1975年),《法兰西晚报》(1976年)、《震旦报》(1978年)等一系列影响颇大的报纸。1983年4月,争夺《自由多菲内报》的胜利,不仅再一次扩大了该报团,而且排除了埃尔桑报团政治上的一大对手。截至1986年初,埃尔桑报团共拥有日报18家,日 Elsan newspaper group is the largest newspaper monopoly in France. The newspaper’s predecessor, which appeared in 1945, was the company that ran the advertising business and turned to the newspaper industry in 1949. In 1950, Roberts Elsun founded The Auto, which gave him the ownership and the right to operate the company. In 1954, he published the first daily newspaper of the newspaper, the Oise Morning News. In January 1958, he opened the Central News newspaper by buying four central daily newspapers and started his career in publishing newspapers in France swallow like a whale. During the decade of the 1960s, the Elsan newspaper regiment annexed and controlled nearly 20 newspapers and entered the 1970s. As its appetite grew larger and larger, it began to encircle and suppress the national newspaper and successively won the “Paris-Normand Newspaper” 1972), the Le Figaro (1975), the Evening Evening in France (1976), the Aurora (1978) and a series of influential newspapers. In April 1983, the victories over the “freedom of the Dofei newspaper” not only expanded the newspaper group once more, but also ruled out a political rival of Elsan newspaper. As of early 1986, Elsan newspaper group has a total of 18 daily newspapers