盛世治学,极易四平八稳。在当今学界书林动辄宏篇巨制推出“新学”、“体系”的时代,读郭景春、许淑萍著《行政系统分析》,有一种新鲜、独特的感觉。该书20余万字,只围绕行政学内行政管理中的一个问题:行政管理系统及其相关的因素,展开纵掘横展的研究、论述,少了许多千人说百人写的陈词滥调。这可能是该书具有新鲜、独特感的一个原因。 众所周知,粉碎“四人帮”后,我国恢复、重建了许多新学科。行政学,是其中之一。在短短十几年里,行政学界翻译、编撰、著述了一大批教材和专著。这些书籍在普及行政学基本原理,培养我国行政学研究人才方面,起了重大作用。但是,重学科建设、轻理论研究的学风,使得行政学这门应用型学科,研究方法落后,研究视野狭窄,跟
Spirit of scholarship, extremely easy. In today’s era of academic circles often macro macroscopic introduction of “new learning”, “system” era, read Guo Jingchun, Xu Shuping “administrative system analysis”, there is a fresh, unique feeling. The book more than 20 words, only around the administrative administration of a problem: the administrative system and its related factors, to start the research and exposition of vertical and horizontal exhibition, less thousands of people say hundreds of clichés. This may be one of the reasons why the book is fresh and unique. As we all know, after the smashing of the “Gang of Four,” China has resumed and rebuilt many new disciplines. Administration is one of them. In just a dozen years, the administrative circles translated, compiled and wrote a large number of textbooks and monographs. These books have played a significant role in popularizing the basic principles of administration and in training administrative personnel in administration in our country. However, depending on the disciplines of discipline construction and light theoretical research, the applied discipline of administrative science, backward research methods, narrow research perspectives,