屈指算来,离开井下已经20个年头了,但那短短5年的下井岁月,那充满艰辛与欢乐的日子,不时在我眼前出现,那份与井下矿工师傅们在艰苦条件下凝成的特殊情感,至今仍萦绕在心头,挥之不去。1 981年刚入冬就下了一场大雪,天气特别冷。我踏着雪,背着行李,犹如壮士出征,一身豪气来到了陶阳矿。既然选择了,就没有后悔过。当时,矿上住宿条件虽然不好,工作环境较差,但是从第一天跟着师傅下井时起,我就深深地爱上了这片沸腾的热土。坐上那富有弹性的钢缆皮带,感觉比坐在车上还舒服浪漫;走在宽敞明亮的大巷里,犹如进入了地下宫殿;看到远处矿工师傅那一闪一闪的灯光,感觉就像天上的星星,使我不禁想起了小时候奶奶在月光下讲的故事:天上一颗星,地上一个丁,人人都有一颗星。看着手里的矿灯,此刻的我似乎找到了我的那颗星。刚下井时,对一切都感到怯生生的,甚至有一种恐惧,师傅们总是给予鼓励,即使严厉也
It has been 20 years since I left the well. However, the shortening of 5 years and the hardships and joys of day have appeared in front of me from time to time. The underground miners worked in painstaking conditions Special emotions, still lingering in my heart, linger. In the winter of 1981, a heavy snow hit the lake and the weather was especially cold. I marching snow, carrying luggage, like a warrior set off, a pride came Tao Yang mine. Since I have chosen, I have not regretted it. At that time, although the conditions of mine accommodation is not good, the working environment is poor, but from the first day when the master went down, I fell in love with this piece of boiling earth. Sit on that flexible steel cable belt, feel comfortable than sitting in the car is also romantic; walking in the bright and spacious alley, like into the underground palace; see the distant miners that flash of light, feeling Like the stars in the sky, I can not help but think of the story told by my grandmother in the moonlight: a star in the sky and a star in the earth. Everyone has a star. Looking at the miner’s lamp in my hand, I now seem to find my star. When just got down, everything is timid, there is even a fear, the teachers are always encouraged, even if also harsh