Both theory and experience prove that the institutional system of “multi-disciplinary coordination” formed by the complementary investment of social capital based on the effective division of labor between the formal and informal systems can meet the growing need of economic organizations with the increasingly competitive environment Open evolution needs. The “Zhejiang model” transition from the mid-1980s to the present has also generally conformed to the evolving characteristics of “embedding” and “de-embedding” induced by social networks. However, in order to avoid the defects of the low-end value chain, the “lock-in” crisis and the single-dimensional evolution of entrepreneur social networks caused by the “international foundry preference” in the process of opening up, there is an urgent need to be guided by an innovative organization , In the relationship and structure of the two-dimensional “strategic re-embedding ” in the process of social capital to encourage complementary value investment activities. In the transition, it is unwise and uneconomical to blindly abandon the “value kernel” of endogenous development. It is the policy significance of “strategic re-embedding” to promote the co-evolution of social networks and cluster economy in a globally competitive environment.