The iterated prisoner’s dilemma (IPD) is an ideal model for analyzing interactions between agents in complex networks.It has attracted wide interest in the dev
Mod power systems are evolving into sociotechnical systems with massive complexity,whose real-time operation and dispatch go beyond human capability.Thus,the ne
内容摘要:民间泥塑是河湟地区文化的一个缩影,这种由远古走来的民间艺术符号,书写了河湟各族人民对美好生活的向往;河湟泥塑艺术的发生、发展及其演变,泥塑艺术表现的内在规律及其审美特质,不仅是河湟民族历史、文化、民俗及宗教信仰的反映,也是河湟民族独特审美趣味的现实写照。 关键词:河湟地区;民间泥塑;遗存现状 Abstract:The folk clay sculpture can be regard