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情况抛石工程根据护岸工程分类,可分为压排抛石、排岸之间的排头以上抛石、沉树枝石,及次要地段采用抛石护岸的沉链子石等。 1.压排抛石压排抛石可分为柴排沉放时之沉排抛石,及沉排后之压排抛石两种。甲、沉排抛石:为柴排沉放技术操作的主要工序,柴排沉放好坏,与抛石之方法有密切关系。根据苏联专家克勒米克夫指示,柴排下沉方向应先由迎水一面到背水一面,由岸边到江心,与江岸成30° The situation riprap project according to the classification of bank protection project, can be divided into the pressure row riprap, the row above the row between the first row of riprap, Shen branch rock, and the secondary section with riprap stone revetment Shen chain stones. 1. Pressing row of riprap riprap riprap can be divided into row when the row of firewood dumping row of riprap, and row row after row of two types of riprap. A, row row of riprap: for the main operation of the technical operation of the ash discharge, the row of good or bad, and the method is closely related to riprap. According to the Kremlin instruction of the Soviet Union, the direction of the subsidence of firewood should first be brought to the backwater side by the water and from the bank to the river center by 30 °