人工智能(AI)无处不在。当前已有不少AI技术在商业化方面取得成果,比如语音、语意识别、智能网联汽车、教育、AR、VR等领域,AI的商业化应用早已开启。AlphaG o一战成名,让人工智能不再神秘。2016年全球范围内,科技巨头在AI上的相关投入已经达到200亿到300亿美元,90%用于技术研发和部署,10%用于收购。2012年至今,人工智能相关的股权融资已有2250起,融资额超过149亿美元。人工智能的应用产
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is everywhere. At present, many AI technologies have achieved commercialization, such as voice, semantic recognition, intelligent networking, education, AR, VR and other fields. The commercialization of AI has already been started. AlphaG o fame, so artificial intelligence is no longer mysterious. In 2016, the investment made by technology giants in AI globally has reached 20 billion to 30 billion U.S. dollars, 90% for technology research and development and deployment and 10% for acquisitions. Since 2012, there have been 2,250 equity financing related to artificial intelligence, financing more than 14.9 billion US dollars. Application of artificial intelligence