潮阳县上坑村是粤东溶江平原典型的地方性氟中毒重病区,也是全省本病综合治理典型,现将调查情况报告如下: 流行特征:检查病区8~15岁学生122人,患氟斑牙113人,患病率92.62%。随机抽样体检(X线摄片)50人,诊断氟骨症37人,患病率74%,患病者年龄最小22岁,最大65岁,患病率随年龄增加而增高。男女患病率无显著差异(x~2=0.01,p>0.05)。x线分型均为硬化型,其中早期8例。占21.0%;轻度4例,占10.8%;中度8例,占21.6%;重度17例,占46.0%。临床分度:Ⅰ、Ⅱ度氟骨症各为15例,各占40.04%。Ⅲ度7例,占18.91%。x线摄片50人中,外地迁入者9人全部发病,出现症状年限为6~25年,当地出生者仅60%患病,出现症状年限为20~62年,两者有非常显著差异(t=6.25,p<0.005)。检测氟骨
Shangang Village, Chaoyang County, is a typical endemic fluorosis area in the Rongjiang Plain in eastern Guangdong Province. It is also a typical comprehensive treatment of this disease in the province. The investigation report is as follows: Epidemic characteristics: 122 ward students aged 8 to 15, 113 people suffering from dental fluorosis, the prevalence rate of 92.62%. Random sampling (X-ray) 50 people, diagnosis of skeletal fluorosis 37 people, the prevalence of 74%, the youngest age of 22 years old, maximum 65 years old, the prevalence increased with age. There was no significant difference between male and female (x ~ 2 = 0.01, p> 0.05). X-ray classification is sclerotic, of which early 8 cases. Accounting for 21.0%; mild in 4 cases, accounting for 10.8%; moderate in 8 cases, accounting for 21.6%; severe in 17 cases, accounting for 46.0%. Clinical index: Ⅰ, Ⅱ degree of fluorosis were 15 cases, each 40.04%. Ⅲ degree in 7 cases, accounting for 18.91%. X-ray 50 people, all immigrants in the field all 9 people, the symptoms of life expectancy of 6 to 25 years, only 60% of local births were sick, the symptoms occurred for 20 to 62 years, both very significant differences (t = 6.25, p <0.005). Fluoride detection