Ex vivo expansion of hematopoietic stem cells

来源 :Science China(Life Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fisher9527
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Ex vivo expansion of hematopoietic stem cells(HSCs) would benefit clinical applications in several aspects, to improve patient survival, utilize cord blood stem cells for adult applications, and selectively propagate stem cell populations after genetic manipulation. In this review we summarize and discuss recent advances in the culture systems of mouse and human HSCs, which include stroma/HSC co-culture, continuous perfusion and fed-batch cultures, and those supplemented with extrinsic ligands, membrane transportable transcription factors, complement components, protein modification enzymes, metabolites, or small molecule chemicals. Some of the expansion systems have been tested in clinical trials. The optimal condition for ex vivo expansion of the primitive and functional human HSCs is still under development. An improved understanding of the mechanisms for HSC cell fate determination and the HSC culture characteristics will guide development of new strategies to overcome difficulties. In the future, development of a combination treatment regimen with agents that enhance self-renewal, block differentiation, and improve homing will be critical. Methods to enhance yields and lower cost during collection and processing should be employed. The employment of an efficient system for ex vivo expansion of HSCs will facilitate the further development of novel strategies for cell and gene therapies including genome editing. Ex vivo expansion of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) would benefit clinical applications in several aspects, to improve patient survival, utilize cord blood stem cells for adult applications, and selectively propagate stem cell populations after genetic manipulation. In this review we summarize and discuss recent advances in the culture systems of mouse and human HSCs, which include stroma / HSC co-culture, continuous perfusion and fed-batch cultures, and those supplemented with extrinsic ligands, membrane transportable transcription factors, complement components, protein modification enzymes, metabolites, or Some of the expansion systems have been tested in clinical trials. The optimal condition for ex vivo expansion of the primitive and functional human HSCs is still under development. An improved understanding of the mechanisms for HSC cell fate determination and the HSC culture characteristics will guide development of new strategies to overcome difficult In the future, development of a combination treatment regimen with agents that enhance self-renewal, block differentiation, and improve homing will be critical. Methods to enhance yield and lower costs during collection and processing should be employed. The employment of an efficient system for ex vivo expansion of HSCs will facilitate the further development of novel strategies for cell and gene therapies including genome editing.
我国南北朝时期民歌《木兰辞》中有“当窗理云鬓,对镜贴花黄”的句子,这里面所说的镜就是青铜镜.青铜镜在我国的历史十分悠久,可以追溯到4 000多年前的新石器时代晚期.我国古
从东乡去到镇南的沙溪小学有两条路:  一条是先走过俗称“东洋桥”的公路桥,由东向西踩着长长的马蹄石老街向前;另一条是到“东洋桥”南坡就拐弯,逆着西来东去的戚浦塘岸边走。  两种走法,路程是不同的。  大抵前者至少要多花一刻钟,要是偏巧遇到街面上有了什么新鲜的花样,眼光被吸引住了,那耽误的恐怕就非得在半小时以上了。那时候,学校讲台里侧的壁角落里,不时会罚站着一两位同学,那基本上都是走老街的“受害者”
邓××男67岁退休工人住院号:C18101 1986年3月17日入院。入院前2个多月,因右眼视力进行性下降,右上睑进行性下垂,间歇性头晕、头痛,无呕吐及抽搐史而到本院眼科就诊。眼部