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近年来中国企业对外投资发展势头迅猛,2014年对外投资规模首次超过利用外资规模,成为资本净输出国,投资流量跃居世界第三位。在取得惊人成绩的同时,中国企业对外投资的高风险偏好也引起了部分媒体的关注和异议,实际上中国企业对外投资的迅猛发展和高风险偏好有其特殊的历史背景,中国企业的投资动因区别于传统的FDI理论,是企业趋利和国家力量双重作用的结果。中国企业的高风险偏好既是基于自身产业水平和后发劣势的考量,同时也是面对西方发达国家的种种壁垒不得已而为之的举措;另外,与发展中国家良好的政治关系也是引导企业向这些国家和地区投资的重要原因之一。 In recent years, the overseas investment of Chinese enterprises has been developing rapidly. In 2014, for the first time, the scale of foreign investment exceeded the scale of utilizing foreign capital and became the net capital exporter with the investment flow ranking third in the world. At the same time that amazing achievements have been made, the high risk appetite of Chinese enterprises for overseas investment has also drawn some media attention and objections. In fact, the rapid development of Chinese enterprises’ overseas investment and high-risk preferences have their own special historical background. The motivation of Chinese enterprises to invest Different from the traditional theory of FDI, is the result of the dual role of business profit and national power. Chinese enterprises’ high-risk appetite is both based on their own industries and their subsequent disadvantages. It is also a measure to face the barriers of the developed countries in the West. In addition, good political relations with developing countries also guide enterprises to these One of the important reasons for investment in countries and regions.
摘要:提高实效性是中央对思想政治理论课的基本要求,但有些教师的做法存在偏颇,一味迎合学生,把思想政治理论课上成一种浅薄的“时尚课”,偏离了思想政治理论课教学目标。提高思想政治理论课的实效性,必须遵守思想政治教育的一般规律,正确处理情与理的关系,坚持知行合一的教学模式。  关键词:实效性;知行合一;思想政治教育  中图分类号:G641 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-2596(2013)12-0