管住宏观 做活微观 做实民生 多出精品

来源 :当代江西 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baichunbo
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我们一定要按照中央和省委省政府的要求,在以往改革和发展的基础上,坚持“加大力度、巩固提高、深化拓展、攻坚克难、科学发展”的20字工作要求,管住宏观、做活微观、做实民生、多出精品,深入推进文化体制改革和发展。管住宏观,把深化改革与转变文化行政管理部门的职能结合起来文化、广电、新闻、出版等部门,要明确文化体制改革之后的政府职能,不断提高文化宏观管理的能力 We must, in accordance with the requirements of the Central Government and provincial Party committees and provincial governments, adhere to the 20-word work requirement of “strengthening our efforts to consolidate, deepen, expand, tackle hardship and scientifically develop” on the basis of past reforms and developments Live in macroscopical view, do micro and micro livelihoods, make people’s livelihood more solidly, make more excellent products, and thoroughly promote the reform and development of the cultural system. Take macro-control and integrate the functions of deepening the reform with the transformation of the administrative departments for culture. The departments of culture, radio, television, news and publishing should clarify the functions of the government after the reform of the cultural system and constantly improve the capacity of cultural macro-management
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在我国教育活动实践中 ,本是用于教育目的的惩戒被当成了纯粹的惩罚而大量滥用着 ,存在着严重的教师无度惩戒学生的现象。这种无度惩戒现象的形成有其特定的政策法规、观念及
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