Highly efficient single longitudinal mode-pulsed green laser

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tingyuanzhu
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A novel design for a highly efficient 1-kHz single-frequency green laser is proposed.An efficient singlefrequency laser pulse output at 532-nm wavelength may be obtained by combining the injection seeding with intracavity frequency doubling in a compact U-shaped cavity formed by two plano dichroic mirrors in an end-pumping arrangement.The laser is capable of producing green pulses with a total energy of 6.3 mJ at a pulse repetition rate of 1 kHz.The pulse width is about 10 ns and the optical-optical efficiency from the 808-nm pump source to the 532-nm green output is around 12.7%. A novel design for a highly efficient 1-kHz single-frequency green laser is proposed. An efficient single frequency laser pulse output at 532-nm wavelength may be obtained by combining the injection seeding with intracavity frequency doubling in a compact U-shaped cavity formed by two plano dichroic mirrors in an end-pumping arrangement. The laser is capable of producing green pulses with a total energy of 6.3 mJ at a pulse repetition rate of 1 kHz. The pulse width is about 10 ns and the optical-optical efficiency from the 808-nm pump source to the 532-nm green output is around 12.7%.
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