“Eternal Call” is a multi-episode television series based on the novel of the same name by the Moscow Soviet film studio Anatole Ivanov by contemporary Soviet writer. The film is divided into upper and lower two, a total of 19 episodes (including the upper 12 episodes, the lower seven episodes), the Soviet Union from the 1964 television series feature film this art style since the advent of the largest number, but also the best works one. The original novel two, respectively, won the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation literature prize, and was translated into multi-national languages. The Moscow film studios spent huge sums of money. The film of the same title, which took nearly 10 years (1974-1983), was awarded the National Prize of the Soviet Union and the Best Film Festival of the All-China TV Festival in 1979 (top) and 1983 (bottom). TV shows get such a high reputation, rare in the Soviet Union.