少腹逐淤汤出自清代名医王清任《医林错》。全方由小茴香、干姜、官桂、赤芍、蒲黄、炒灵脂、川芎、玄胡、当归、没药等组成。王清任谓“此方治少腹积块疼痛,或有积块不疼痛……”。余本着活血化淤之法,用来治疗泌尿系结石一例,报告如下。 杜××,男性,28岁,工人。85年5月13日初诊。患者三天前左侧腰部突发性绞痛,伴恶心,呕吐和血尿尿常规示蛋白(+),红血球(++++),白血球(+)。腹部平片示左侧输尿管中段结石。舌质淡红,苔薄黄,脉弦,处方:小茴香3克、赤勺10克、生蒲黄10克、炒灵脂10克、玄胡6克、没药10克、海金砂20克、鸡内金10克、金钱草30克、黄柏10。5月17日复诊:腰痛消失,小便色清。上方去黄柏,金钱草改用50克,连服
Shaobian was deposited by the Qing Dynasty doctor Wang Qingren as “medical Lin Cuo.” All parties are composed of fennel, dried ginger, Guangui, red peony, Puhuang, fried szechuan, chuanxiong, Xuanhu, angelica, myrrh and so on. Wang Qingren stated that “This part cures a lot of pain in the abdomen plot, or there is no pain in the building blocks...”. In addition to the method of promoting blood circulation and siltation, it is used to treat a case of urinary stones. The report is as follows. Du × ×, male, 28 years old, worker. May 13, 85 newly diagnosed. Three days before the patient had sudden cramps on the left side of the abdomen, with nausea, vomiting, hematuria, routine urinary protein (+), red blood cells (++++), and white blood cells (+). Abdominal plain film shows the middle ureteral stones. Reddish tongue, thin yellow coating, pulsed string, prescription: 3 g fennel, 10 scoops of red, 10 g of raw Puhuang, 10 g of fried fat, 6 g of Xuan Hu, 10 g of myrrh, 20 g of Haijin sand , chicken inner gold 10 grams, 30 grams of money grass, Cork 10. May 17 visits: back pain disappeared, urine color. Go to the top of the Cork, money grass to use 50 grams, and even clothes