雪香是1981年以大香水作母本、梨品种混合花粉作父本杂交育成的梨新品种。果实长圆形,平均单果重112.5 g,最大单果重125.0 g;果皮黄绿色,有光泽;果肉白色,肉质细、松脆,汁液多,香气浓郁,风味甜酸,品质上等;可溶性固形物含量15.60%,可滴定酸含量0.22%,维生素C含量70.60 mg/kg,冷藏条件下可贮藏3~4个月;在黑龙江省牡丹江市,果实9月下旬成熟;抗寒性强,可在黑龙江省牡丹江等地栽培。2009年1月通过黑龙江省农作物品种审定委员会审定。
Xuexiang is a new pear variety grown in 1981 with male perfume and pear variety mixed pollen as male parent. The fruit is oblong with an average fruit weight of 112.5 g and a maximum fruit weight of 125.0 g. The peel is yellowish green and shiny. The flesh is white and fleshy, crisp, with plenty of savory aroma and sweet and sour flavor. The soluble solid Content 15.60%, titratable acid content 0.22%, vitamin C content 70.60 mg / kg, stored for 3 to 4 months under refrigerated conditions; fruit mature in late September in Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang Province; strong cold resistance, available in Heilongjiang Province Mudanjiang and other places of cultivation. January 2009 through the Heilongjiang Crop Variety Approval Committee.