Chen Weizhu (Jixi Huayang Hospital) reported: intravenous injection of vitamin K_3 (each 8 ~ 12mg plus injection of water 5 ~ 10ml) lifting smooth muscle spasm in 56 cases, including 8 cases of biliary ascariasis, cholecystitis in 3 cases of cholelithiasis, 13 cases of acute gastroenteritis, 5 cases of gastroduodenal ulcer, 5 cases of ureteral calculi, 3 cases of acute appendicitis, bronchial asthma in 17 cases, 2 cases of advanced cancer pain. The results were: for pain relief in 39 cases, markedly effective in 11 cases, effective in 23 cases, ineffective in 5 cases, used for asthma in 17 cases, markedly effective in 7 cases, effective in 10 cases.