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“应用电子技术改造传统产业”是“八五”及今后十年发展我国国民经济的一项战略性措施。按照国家计委1990年10月天津会议的部署,为在冶金系统切实抓好这项工作,加速钢铁工业应用电子技术的步伐,研讨“八五”及今后十年应用电子技术改造钢铁工业的总体思路,1991年5月6日在北京殷瑞钰副部长亲自主持召开了《应用电子技术改造钢铁工业》专家座谈会,冶金系统各研究院、设计院、高校和部分企业的22名专家、教授应邀出席,部机关各司局及规划院有关领导和负责同志也参加了会议。 殷副部长在讲话中指出,近二十年来我国钢铁工业的发展主要是依赖技术进步,其中也包括了电 “Applying electronic technology to transform traditional industries” is a strategic measure for developing the national economy in the Eighth Five-Year Plan and the next ten years. In accordance with the deployment of the Tianjin Planning Commission under the State Planning Commission in October 1990, in order to earnestly do a good job in the metallurgical system and speed up the pace of application of electronic technology in the steel industry, the overall application of electronic technology to transform the steel industry in the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” and the next ten years On May 6, 1991, Vice Minister Yin Ruiyu in Beijing personally presided over the forum of experts on the application of electronic technology to transform the steel industry. Twenty-two experts and professors from metallurgical research institutes, design institutes, universities and some enterprises were invited to attend All departments, agencies, bureaux and planning institutes and relevant leaders and responsible comrades also attended the meeting. In his speech, Vice Minister Yin pointed out that the development of China’s steel industry in the past two decades has mainly relied on technological progress, including electricity
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9月15日9月份拍卖会今天以拍卖卡拉库羊羔皮和各种貂皮拉开序幕。本次季末供货的各种彩色貂皮全部售出,竞拍激烈,价格坚挺。竞拍价和近期国际价格持平。 Sept. 15 The Septe
上钢三厂是一个有76年历史的老企业。经过不断挖潜、改造、配套、扩建,现已发展成为年产钢170多万吨、钢材130多万吨的全国冶金行业的重点骨干企业。 Shanghai Steel Facto
本文根据《云南冶金》等国内13种冶金科技刊物和报纸上发表的近80篇文章,从七个方面进行综合评述。 In this paper, according to “Yunnan Metallurgy” and other domesti