Mechanical and chemical behavior of intergranular fluids in nonhydrostatically stressed rocks at l

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hfs191
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Intergranular fluids within the nonhydrostatically stressed solids are a sort of important fluids in the crust. Research on the mechanical and chemical behavior of the intergranular fluids in nonhydrostatically stressed rocks at low temperature is a key for understanding deformation and syntectonic geochemical processes in mid to shallow crust. Theoretically, it is suggested that the fluid film sandwiched between solid grains is one of the main states of intergranular fluids in the nonhydrostatically stressed solids. Their superthin thickness makes the fluid films have the mechanical and chemical behavior very different from the common fluids. Because of hydration force, double layer repulsive force or osmotic pressure due to double layer, the fluid films can transmit nonhydrostatic stress. The solid minerals intergranular fluids interaction and mass transfer by intergranular fluids is stress related, because the stress in solid minerals can enhance the free energy of solid matter on the interfaces. The thermodynamic and kinetic equations for the simple case of stress induced processes are derived. Intergranular fluids within the nonhydrostatically stressed solids are a sort of important fluids in the crust. Research on the mechanical and chemical behavior of the intergranular fluids in nonhydrostatically stressed rocks at low temperature is a key for understanding deformation and syntectonic geochemical processes in mid to shallow crust Theoretically, it is suggested that the fluid film sandwiched between solid grains is one of the main states of intergranular fluids in the nonhydrostatically stressed solids. Because superthin thickness makes the fluid films have the mechanical and chemical behavior very different from the common fluids. of hydration force, double layer repulsive force or osmotic pressure due to double layer, the fluid films can transmit nonhydrostatic stress. The solid minerals intergranular fluids interaction and mass transfer by intergranular fluids is stress related, because the stress in solid minerals can enhance the free energy of solid matter on the interfaces. The thermodynamic and kinetic equations for the simple case of stress induced processes are derived.
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