Theoretical study of electric energy consumption for self-powered chaos signal generator

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yywachself
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Self-powered chaos signal generator is potentially useful in future medical system,such as low cost portable human healthy monitor and treatment without external power source.For both functional and power unit,the power level of electric energy generator and consumption is a key factor for self-powered system.In this paper,we have investigated the power consumption of three typical output modes of a simple chaos circuit.Analytical analysis for power consumption of fixed output mode is obtained for evaluating the power characteristics of chaos signal generator.Numerical calculations are given for predicting the power characteristics of periodical and chaotic output modes.This study is important for not only understanding the power consumption of chaos signal generator,but also guiding new self-powered chaos signal generator design. Self-powered chaos signal generator is potentially useful in future medical system, such as low cost portable human healthy monitor and treatment without external power source. For both functional and power unit, the power level of electric energy generator and consumption is a key factor for self-powered system.In this paper, we have investigated the power consumption of three typical output modes of a simple chaos circuit. An analytical analysis for power consumption of fixed output mode is obtained for evaluating the power characteristics of the chaos signal generator. given for predicting the power characteristics of periodical and chaotic output modes. This study is important for not only understanding the power consumption of chaos signal generator, but also guiding new self-powered chaos signal generator design.
我从遥远的地方来  我踩着一朵云,从遥远的地方来。  一路上刮大风,下大雨,还有恐怖的闪电、惊人的雷声。  当然也有艳丽的太阳,皎洁的月亮和闪闪的星光。  我的云和我都累了。  我踩着一朵云,从遥远的地方来。你呢?  ┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄  我踩着一朵云,从遥远的地方来,和你一样。  我也遇到过那些,  一路上刮大风,下大雨,还有恐怖的闪电,惊人的雷声。  当然也有艳丽的夕阳,皎洁的月亮和闪闪
【小心思】  偷溜进屋的风悄悄掀起窗帘的边角,却没有留意到尾随的月亮,月光映亮了我身侧的挂钟,时针稳稳地停在11点,它没有被吵醒。  “真是淘气。”我听见风对月亮说。  我一点儿也不困,可屋里的每样东西都已进入梦乡,我的闹钟、台灯、水杯、小盆栽,噢,还有我的腊肠狗布偶,它今天白天玩得太疯,晚上居然破天荒地没有打呼噜,对啦,一定是它没有打呼噜让我不习惯了。  我躺着,看见小片亮光在身边的白墙上一晃一
我念初一。我是一个优秀的女生,也是一个孤独的女生。  从小到大,我都是父母眼中的好孩子、老师心中的好学生。上初中后,我当上班长。个性好强的我下定决心,要把所有的事都做到最好。于是,我抓紧学习,努力工作,希望自己各方面都比别人强。  俗话说,一分耕耘一分收获,为了能做到各方面都比别人强,我必须在学习、工作上花更多时间。因此,玩乐的时间自然就少了,渐渐地,我跟班上同学的关系就有点疏远了,原来的几个朋友
“逃离”情绪非常明显啊!只是,你知道自己要逃离的是什么吗?如果林老师告诉你,此刻你最想逃离的,或许是一笔极大的人生财富,你还会选择逃离吗?  林老师相信,无论是学习,还是班级工作,你都做得非常棒,相信你的班主任、任课老师,包括你的同学们也都看到了,都记在了心里。只是你所做的班级工作,是与“人”——你的同学们相联系的,在与同学沟通方面,你是不是有一点点忽略呢?是不是有点厚此薄彼、厚“事”薄“人”的味