晚清张道的《苏亭诗话》是宋元以来唯一的一部熔评论、补注、系年、辨伪、校勘与杂考于一炉的综合性苏轼研究著作。它打破了历代诗话闲谈与随笔式的写作惯例 ,多为杂考、补注 ,集中了北宋以来众多学者研究苏轼的大量成果 ,又时出新见 ,发前人所未发。但有的地方摘录材料多 ,而阐释不够 ;有的补注过于冗长 ,而语义不明
The Book of Songs of the Su Ting in the late Qing Dynasty was the only comprehensive study of Su Shi, a criticism, supplement, year, identification, collation and miscellaneous examination in a furnace since the Song and Yuan Dynasties. It broke the history of poetry chat and essay writing practice, mostly mixed, remarks, since the Northern Song Dynasty, many scholars focused on the study of a large number of Su Shi’s results, but also new ideas, hair before the hair. However, there are some places where there is a lot of excerpts of material, and the explanation is not enough. Some of the remarks are too long and the semantics are not clear