一、前言用冲击试验方法来判断材料的韧性,简单而又方便,在一定程度上反映材料缺陷尖端处抵抗塑性变形的能力,广泛应用于材料的验收和评定。冲击试样的缺口形状有多种。美、英、法、西德、日本等国以及国际标准“ISO”中冲击试验均采用夏比 V 试样。我国以前均采用 U 型缺口,即梅氏试样。经大量使用证明:梅氏试样缺口太钝,不能确切地模拟实际结构中可能出现的缺陷尖端所产生的应力状态,来评定材料的韧性。因此,近年来用 V 型缺口代替 U 型缺口的冲击试验,愈来愈得到重视和应用。国内曾有很多
I. INTRODUCTION The impact test method to determine the toughness of materials, simple and convenient, to a certain extent, reflect the material defects tip resistance to plastic deformation, widely used in material acceptance and assessment. Impact specimen shape a variety of notches. American, Britain, France, West Germany, Japan and other countries as well as the international standard “ISO” impact test are used Charpy V sample. In the past, U-shaped gap was used in our country, that is, the Meisman sample. After extensive use of proven: Meizu sample gap is too blunt, can not exactly simulate the actual structure of the possible defects in the tip of the stress state, to assess the toughness of the material. Therefore, in recent years, V-notch instead of U-notch impact test, more and more attention and application. There have been many domestic