在岭张村 赣州到鹰潭的长途汽车,那时还不能直达。车到以产贡桔著名的南丰县,宿了一夜,隔天换车经南城到鹰潭,当晚搭上了去金华的火车。金华除了编《东南日报》副刊的陈向平,没其他什么熟人,情况不了解。我打定主意,尽可能不在那儿住旅馆,免得查夜时遇上麻烦,下车后雇人挑行李到汽车站,赶不上开往永康的班次,就在车站坐着过夜也行。火车离站后不到一小时,车窗外已是沉沉的黑夜。我没有睡意,思量着到了报社,编辑部除了万湜思、朱湘月夫妇,不知有没有其他熟人?
Changzhou Ganzhou in the ridge to Yingtan long-distance car, then still can not be direct. The car to pay tribute orange famous Nanfeng County, overnight, change the car the other day to Yingtan Nancheng, the evening to catch the train to Jinhua. Jinhua in addition to compiling “Southeast Daily” supplement Chen Xiangping, no other acquaintances, the situation did not understand. I decided to try my best to stay in the hotel as far as possible, so as to avoid any trouble when checking the night. After getting off, I would hire someone to pick up luggage to the bus stop and catch up with the bus bound for Yongkang. Less than an hour after leaving the train station, the window is dark night. I did not drowsiness, thought to the newspaper, the editorial department in addition to thinking Wan, Chu couple, I do not know if there are other acquaintances?