云南花卉业发展情况如何?云南省委、省政府对它寄予了何种希望?云南花卉企业和花农还将继续受惠吗?带着这些问题,笔者作了一番调查。 10多年前,云南的商品花卉业还是一片空白,既无像样的专业公司,也无一片像样的花卉基地。80年代中期,一个敢为天下先的人,在昆明呈贡斗南率先种植花卉发了
What is the development of the flower industry in Yunnan? Yunnan provincial government put it on what hope? Yunnan flower enterprises and flower farmers will continue to benefit it? With these questions, I made a survey. More than 10 years ago, Yunnan’s commodity flower industry was still empty. There was neither a decent professional company nor a decent flower base. In the mid-1980s, a man who dared to be the best in the world made the first planted flowers in Sogong, Kunming