《中国西部油气地质》重点报道中国西部石油勘探开发领域的最新研究成果。全彩色印制,免收版面费。来稿一经刊用,即按规定酌致稿酬。同时送当期期刊2本。 1 来稿要求 1.1 文稿:要求主题突出、数据可靠、观点明确、文字精炼,简明扼要,全文总篇幅一般不超过8000字。文稿应包含题名(限20个字之内)、作者、作者单位、摘要(300字左右)、关键词(5~8个)、(引言)、正文(含插图和表格)、
The “West China Oil and Gas Geology” focuses on the latest research results in the field of petroleum exploration and development in western China. Full color printing, free of charge page fee. Once the manuscript is published, it will be in accordance with the provisions of discretionary royalties. At the same time send periodicals 2. 1 manuscript requirements 1.1 manuscript: the subject of prominent, reliable data, clear point of view, the text is refined, concise, the full length of the text is generally not more than 8000 words. The manuscript should include the title (limited to 20 words), author, author’s unit, abstract (about 300 words), key words (5 to 8), (introduction), text (including illustrations and tables)