1994年,中国出版者协会、深圳市南山区政府与上海古籍出版社合作,组建编纂出版工作委员会,并邀请启功、饶宗颐、程千帆、杨明照、任继愈、李学勤等20余位著名学者为学术顾问,正式开始《续修四库全书》的编纂工作。编委会与学术界、图书馆界紧密结合,历经8年,于2001年完成全书精装1800巨册的出版。《续修四库全书》既补辑清朝乾隆以前有价值而为《四库全书》所未收的著作,更系统选辑清中期以后至1911年辛亥革命前各类代表性著作,共收书5 213种,为《四库全书》所收量的一倍半。出版
In 1994, the China Publishers Association and Shenzhen Nanshan District Government collaborated with the Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House to set up a compilation and publication committee and invited more than 20 famous scholars such as Qi Gong, Rao Zongyi, Cheng Qianfan, Yang Mingzhao, Ren Jiyu and Li Xueqin Consultant, officially began “rework Sikuquanshu” codification. Editorial Board and academia, the library industry closely integrated, after eight years, in 2001 completed the hardcover 1800 book publishing. The book “Renewal of the Sikuquanshu” not only complements the books previously uncollected by the Sikuquanshu but also before the Qianlong reign of the Qing Dynasty, and systematically selects all the representative works before the 1911 Revolution from the middle of the Qing Dynasty until the 1911 Revolution 213 kinds, as “Sikuquanshu” received half the amount. publishing