Severe maxillary protrusion of the labial side of the patient to form a significant inverted concave, and accompanied by the phenomenon of the upper lip is too short, according to conventional production base. The bony part obstructs the placement of the denture and also affects the aesthetics.If the labial side does not make the denture it will affect the retention of the denture.There is a need for an edentulous patient who has severe maxillary protrusion and is unwilling or unable to undergo surgical dressing Wing base design, while the conventional plastic (MMA) wing base. Clinically common fracture phenomenon, affecting denture retention. We use high-frequency precision cast cobalt-chrome alloy base material made of airfoil Mesh reinforcement structure to make up for the defects of this type of denture.Clinically satisfactory results achieved successfully applied to the complete denture edentulous repair.Radial base “metal mesh reinforced structure,” the design of the wing base Metal mesh reinforced design method, the principle is before