伊夫·博纳富瓦(Yves Bonnefoy,1923-),20世纪法国最重要的诗人、翻译家、文学评论家,生于法国西部卢瓦尔河下游的重镇图尔市,早年在大学攻读哲学,后来研究考古学,成为古希腊、罗马文化的专家。1946年起发表诗作,1953年以其第一部诗集《论杜弗的动与静》一举成名,并被公认为杰作,后来又陆续出版了诗集《昨天空寂的荒漠》、《写字石》、《门槛的诱惑》和《无光的事物》等多卷,均为传世杰作。他先后获得过多种国际国内诗歌大奖,1981年起,他成为继瓦雷里之后在法兰西学院讲授诗学的第二位诗人。博
Yves Bonnefoy (1923 -), the most important poet, translator and literary critic of France in the 20th century, was born in the city of Tours, the capital of the lower reaches of the Loire in western France. Later archeology, as the ancient Greek, Roman culture experts. His poems were published in 1946, became famous in 1953 for his first collection of poems, “On the Movement of the Duff,” and was widely recognized as a masterpiece. Later, he published his poems “Desert of yesterday, Desert,” “Writing Stone, ”Seduction threshold“ and ”Matte things" and other volumes, are masterpieces handed down. He has won many international and domestic poetry awards, and since 1981 he became the second poet to teach poetics at Valentian after Valery. Bo