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圣路易斯犹太医院的病理学家、华盛顿大学的病理学教授John S Meyer称,乳腺癌的胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷(简称胸苷)标记指数测定法在确定乳腺癌的治疗和诊断中起着重要作用。以下为Meyer对记者采访时的问答内容: 记者问(以下略为问):Meyer医师,你已说明胸苷标记指数在乳腺癌组织标本中差异很大。你观察到哪些差异?这些差异在预后中的意义是什么? Meyer答(以下略为答):我们见到的胸苷标记指数的变动范围从接近零(0.05%)起至36%左右,其他研究人员报告,标记指数可达到40%,尤其是米兰的Rosella Sylvestrini。所以乳腺癌存在明显的增生指数变动范围。由于指数的变动范围大,因此可用乳腺癌 John S Meyer, a pathologist at the University of Washington, St. Louis Jewish Hospital and a professor of pathology at the University of Washington, said that the thymidine labeling index method for breast cancer plays an important role in determining the treatment and diagnosis of breast cancer. The following are the questions and answers for Meyer’s interview with reporters: Asked by a reporter (slightly asked below): Dr. Meyer, you have shown that the thymidine labeling index is very different in breast cancer tissue specimens. What are the differences you observe and what is the significance of these differences in the prognosis? Meyer A (slightly answered below): The thymidine labeling index we have seen ranges from near zero (0.05%) to about 36%. Other studies According to personnel reports, the labeling index can reach 40%, especially Rosella Sylvestrini in Milan. Therefore, there is a clear range of variation in the proliferation index of breast cancer. Breast cancer available because of the wide range of index changes
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